The groundbreaking Electric Vehicle Energy Taskforce brings senior stakeholders from energy, infrastructure, automotive and transport together for the very first time, actively advising government and industry on achieving our electric revolution.
With input and contributions from over 350 leading UK, this highly influential and respected taskforce engages with Ministers, senior policy makers and cross-sector industry experts on being ready for the mass adoption of EVs.
Phase One concluded in January 2020 with the delivery of the ‘Energising our Electric Vehicle Transition’ report, presenting 21 hard-hitting proposals on what’s needed to successfully electrify our road transport.
Phase Two saw the publication of ‘Moving from Proposals to Actions’ in October 2020, an in-depth report supporting these far-reaching findings and recommendations.
Phase Three is now focused on Delivering System Success; What needs to be achieved to deliver the EV charging infrastructure we need and the enabling conditions which will be required to deliver it.
These reports form the start of these plans and are available to download below:
Click the icons below to find out more and download the reports.