Proposal 13 – Giving consumers real control of their data

27 November 2019

Government and Ofgem to introduce a data access and privacy framework for the EV sector.

Consumers need confidence on what data is being used for smart charging and EV services. There should be protections in place about how often industry can access this data and what for, and crucially, consumers should own data relating to their charging usage and transactions.

Consumers will need to be confident that any data they agree to release relating to their EV or chargepoint will be maintained according to an agreed framework of rules. General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) sets out rules on the retention, deletion, processing and transfer of data. However, the Electric Vehicle Energy Taskforce has identified the need for further protections: 

  • To provide added reassurance and clarity to consumers on how data for smart charging and EV services can be used, what for and by whom;
  • To clearly set out what data is owned by consumers and what is owned by other parties;
  • To set out the rights and controls that consumers have over their data;
  • To support industry in interpreting GDPR, for example on issues like data portability;

The Electric Vehicle Energy Taskforce proposes that a Data Access and Privacy Framework be set out by Government and Ofgem to deliver on the above. The framework must: 

  • Have provisions for removing historic data if a consumer moves away from the property; 
  • Ensure that consumers are clear about who has access to their data and whether it is being shared with other organisations (car manufacturers, EV retailers, CPOs, DNOs and energy suppliers) and if so, for what purposes; 
  • Incorporate learnings from relevant sources including the MiData project, Smart Metering Data Access and Privacy Framework and Ofgem’s Half Hourly Settlement Code Review; and
  • Take a global view, to ensure alignment with other jurisdictions where relevant.

The Electric Vehicle Energy Taskforce proposes that Ofgem and Government introduce a Data Access and Privacy Framework for the EV sector to ensure that consumers have full control over their data by 2021. Consumers should be made aware of all data access issues at the point of sale of all EV products and services as well as their powers to control and delete this data. 

EV Energy Taskforce Webinar: Smart Charging & Cyber Security

EV Energy Taskforce Webinar: Smart Charging & Cyber Security

30 April 2021