Proposal 12 – Making public chargepoints easily accessible for EV drivers

26 November 2019

Making chargepoint data open and available for consumer and system benefits.

Currently, transport and energy datasets are fragmented and not in a format that enables them to be easily collated. EV drivers require better access to data to enable them to better understand and engage with their EV charging options, particularly with respect to public chargepoints. They need to understand where and when EV chargepoints are available, especially at peak times (e.g. holiday destinations during Bank Holidays, sporting events, festivals, etc). 

Data access will maximise convenience for consumers and encourage the development of innovative applications that help users identify how they can best meet their charging requirements. A consistent registration strategy for all chargepoints (including private, public and workplace) will ensure optimum planning and operation of the electricity networks, further benefitting consumers.

Consideration should be given to the following points: 

  • EV owners will require consistent, easily accessible, accurate data to be openly available on public chargepoint location, type, status, capacity, price and availability to enable them to find (and possibly reserve) an available, working public chargepoint that is suitable for their immediate charging needs. 
  • The data will need to be updated at a frequency appropriate to its type; e.g. close to real time for availability. An asset registration strategy must include all fixed chargepoints (i.e. private, public, workplace, etc) and should include all relevant data to ensure optimum planning and operation of the electricity networks. 
  • Relevant datasets should be Presumed Open and subject to the Triage Process in keeping with the principles espoused by the Energy Data Taskforce.
  • Relevant datasets should be included within the scope of the Data Catalogue recommended by the Energy Data Taskforce
  • Chargepoint operators should be incentivised to provide data through an appropriate mechanism such as the Motor Fuels GHG Emission Reporting Regulations which complements the Renewables Transport Fuels Obligation.

To facilitate the availability of open and accurate chargepoint data, public chargepoint operators, owners and market actors must make data on public chargepoint location, type, status, capacity, price and availability consistent and openly available for EV drivers by 2021. A single asset register, aligned with the Energy Data Taskforce Asset Registration Strategy, must include all fixed chargepoints (i.e. private, public, workplace, etc) and should include all relevant data to ensure optimum planning and operation of the electricity networks. 

EV Energy Taskforce Webinar: Smart Charging & Cyber Security

EV Energy Taskforce Webinar: Smart Charging & Cyber Security

30 April 2021